Privateer Leather

Miscellaneous Items
This is where I'll list various items that don't fit well in other categories.
Shipping to the lower 48 states (via First Class Mail) is included in the price.
If you're interested in anything listed here, please contact me via the contact form, or email me at .
Hand Carved & Tooled items
Tooling is something that I do as a hobby in my spare time, so those items may be one-of-a-kind, and may not always be available.

Valet Tray #5
Hand-tooled and antiqued floral design on base
Copper oil-tan body
Small size (approximately 6" square)

Valet Tray #6​
Southwestern basketweave stamped base on copper oil-tan body
Small size (approximately 6" square)

Travel Valet Tray #7​
Hand-tooled skull & crossbones with pebble background base
Derby brown oil-tan body
Small size (approximately 6" square)
Travel version has snaps at the corners to lay flat in a suitcase

Valet Tray #14
Large skull basketweave stamping on oiled veg-tan base, crescent border
Chocolate oil-tan body
Medium size (approximately 8" square)

Valet Tray #16​
Hand-carved floral design on veg-tan base
Chocolate oil-tan body
Medium size (approximately 8" square)